08 February 2012

It's been a good long while, maybe I should explain.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

There have been some kinks in the road, and let me assure you that everything
is okay. My younger sister was hospitilized, my grandmother had a heart attack,
and D had some temporary mental issues. Everything is okay, and everyone is okay;
but as you all should know, sometimes with the military lifestyle...things come up.
I had to take some time off from blogging to take care of all these issues, because
well...family comes first. As a refresher for our new readers, D is in tech school
and he will be deployed in late March, early April. I'm Lacey, I'm the support system
for this Airman. Being an Airman's girl is an every day struggle, and the point of this
blog is to show fellow military s/o's that they are not alone. One thing that I have learned
is that these brave men and women are under an EXTREME amount of stress, they don't
need additional stress added. Sometimes being supportive is hard, especially when
you are hurting from the stresses of your own life. Lonliness is a common feeling
among military s/o's and even among the Airmen themselves. If you make the
decision to be with a man or woman in the military, you just need to be sure. Second
guessing yourself after you've already been dealing with the military lifestyle is the most
awful feeling in the world. Just be sure, because you can never prepare yourself for something
like this. On a different note, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or if you
just want to chat feel free to send me an email, like the diary on facebook, or follow me on twitter.
 (I'm back for good, I missed all of you!!)
Email: diaryofanairforcegirlfriend@aol.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/diaryofanairforcegirlfriend
Twitter: @Willis_Lacey


  1. Hello! So I tried to blog on this site, but instead I ended up creating my own blog. Diaryofanairmansgirlfriend....but I would love to be able to talk to girls in my situation. It would be a breath of fresh air. Talking to people who have no idea where I am coming from is killing me. :)

    1. I will actually be featuring guest bloggers every monday from now on, if you are interested you can email me at:
