09 February 2012

I have a surprise!

I'm going to start featuring a new guest blogger every Monday! If you are
interested in applying, please email me at: diaryofanairforcegirlfriend@aol.com
Here's how it will work:
You send me an email letting me know that you are interested, I will send you
a questionnaire, fill it out & return it, then I will contact you with scheduling information.
If you are chose to be a guest blogger, additional information will be provided.
You will be given full credit for your blog post, and will be notified if any
part of your blog is edited.

With that said, send me those emails! I'm interested in hearing from all sorts of
people, military significant others, and even people who have served in the military
or are currently serving!

On a different note, after talking last night, I think that D has decided that he
doesn't want to make a career out of the Air Force. Who knows though
really, he changes his mind 850 times a minute. I can honestly say that tech
school has been harder than basic was, we can actually talk and argue!!
Haha, not that we argue a whole lot. Oh yeah, and another surprise ladies.
;) Prepare yourselves for girly screams.

Follow us on twitter: @willis_lacey
Follow us on pinterest: http://pinterest.com/laceyyyy

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