07 October 2011

Day 10, how about you leave me the fuck alone?

I'm so sick of people asking me if I'm okay..what am I supposed to say..
"yeah I'm just fine and dandy, you know my boyfriend who is also my
best friend is in Texas and I can't contact him right now...but you know
I'm JUST FINE." I'm not okay, I'm not, I'm miserable and depressed,
and all I do is sleep. Then to top it all off, men think that the fact that my
boyfriend is in basic means they can hit on me...how about you have
a little RESPECT...this is pissing me off, so guaranteed, the next
little boy who has the nerve to "hit me up" on facebook...I will
flip absolute shit on. How about I want people to leave me alone...thank
you to everyone who is kind enough to give me support, I really appreciate
and need it...but seriously, if I dont know you and you've NEVER been
through this before...stop. Thank you to all the military wives/girlfriends, my
boyfriends wonderful family, and my great friends...I love you all :)

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