12 October 2011

Day 15, seriously?

I'm so pissed I have 6 more weeks of this, I hate it...4 more days until Sunday,
and then I get to hear from him. I hate my job, I wish I had a good reason to
quit. Someone give me a good reason, I'm so emotionally exhausted when
I get off of work I can barely keep my eyes open. My job makes me want to
become an alcoholic...although I don't drink and don't plan on starting anytime
soon. Most of my friends are a pretty good support system, but some of the
people that I have been friends with the longest aren't there for me...like
seriously, I've been friends for you for 15 years and you're going to pretend
that I don't exist...how about screw you, you'll miss me. I'm pissed, but
for the most part, I have really amazing friends and family who have helped
support me through this hard time. I love all of you, and thank you.
& A special thank you to the people who read this blog, I have about 50 views
a day and I usually recieve a few emails or messages on facebook with feedback.
Thanks to all of you and feel free to email me at Laceylovesdukex3@aol.com
or send me messages via facebook. I love hearing from you. :)

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